Sunday Morning Playtime

April 6

Improv quilt

We returned home Friday night from a road trip spring break. Final destination: Florida! It was so nice to soak up some warm and get a good fix of Vitamin D. Most years, when we return home after the first week of April, spring is in full bloom at home. This year, not as much. But! The daffodils are up and our magnolia has started to blossom - both good indicators that we are almost there. For that, I am grateful.

Three days in the car and a week away from my machine had me itching to sew. Yesterday morning, I pulled out the improv blocks I made a few weeks ago and started by editing what I had. I squared some up, added some solids to others and then made a few more. I was thinking that I needed 25 blocks, but I stopped sewing when I had 20. I plan on sashing them all with white and making a nice throw sized quilt - around 60" square. I'm not sure if this will be the final arrangement or not, but I do like where it is going.

Improv piecing is one of my very favorite things to do. I like having no rules and just seeing what happens. For someone like me, who likes order and structure, it's so freeing! And I can always use a gentle reminder to just let go and play! All that fabric is not doing me any good just sitting on the shelves, looking pretty. It's meant to be used and I plan on doing just that.