I know that I have been neglecting the blog when Fatty asks, "What? You don't post anymore?"
Yep. Sorry. I didn't mean to be away for so long.
I blame summer, people. It's busier than I'd like, but still oh so good. Our day to day changes, well, daily. And since I was last here, we've been to the beach and have come home. It was a great week with my family - lots of sun, sand, surf and way too much food and drink. And now, back at home, I'm getting the girls ready for a week at camp and myself ready for grown-up camp (a.k.a. a Denyse Schmidt workshop in Portland, OR). Exciting for all, right?
Before we left for South Carolina, I did sew up another version of Anna Maria's Painted Portrait Dress. This was my third go at this pattern and each time I sew it, it comes together quicker than the time before. I love making it and I love wearing it. I also love that it can be made in so many different combinations - sleeves, no sleeves, top, dress, with patchwork, without. I can safely say that there will be more than three versions of this pattern hanging in my closet. I'm just about ready to start another one for fall.
But before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you about this one. I was inspired to make it when out shopping for something white to wear for a family photo on the beach. I found many options at different stores, but loved nothing. It dawned on me that instead of spending more time shopping, I should just start sewing. I bought the fabric locally - it didn't have any identifying marks on the selvedge so I can say who makes it. Because it is white, I knew that it would require a full lining. The pattern only has instructions on facing the yoke, but having sewn this pattern before, I was confident that I could figure out how to line the entire thing. There was some serious contemplating about the arm hole, but once I wrapped my brain around what I needed to do, it all came together very easily. Again, like the blouse version I made earlier this year, I took in the back seams so it would fit me better. Each time I have done this after sewing everything together. I think I'll try altering the actual pattern pieces before I sew the next one.
And because I didn't have any white cotton perle on hand, I couldn't resist adding a little surprise for the button loop. It makes me smile every time I see it.
Also, it should come as no surprise that instead of getting everyone ready for their respective adventures, I cut out another blouse last night. This time, it's a Tova and it's green. See you on the other side.