Creative Assignment: Egg

I drove home from SewDown Nashville last night. What an amazing weekend! I am completely exhausted, but am filled to the brim with new knowledge and inspiration. Plus all of the ladies were great! Yay for new friends!

Today I'm having a hard time getting motivated. That is what staying up to midnight sewing two nights in a row, plus 4 quilting classes will do to you. Still, I have work that needs doing so I made myself a promise that I would clean the studio (done) before any of my new purchases and projects were brought upstairs (not yet done). I was reading blogs (procrastinating) and came across Meg's creative assignment. Go read about it. I'll be here when you get back.

Smart lady, right?

Not five minutes after I read it, I had everything carted up the stairs, the machine set up and scraps gathered to make my egg.


Screen shot 2014-04-14 at 2.06.35 PM

(source: Hannah Blackmore Photography)



Drawn with thread, using my sewing machine and free motion quilting, this took all of 7 minutes. It's kind of weird, but I like it. Plus, it got me creating. I challenge you to make your own egg. I think it is a superb idea, really fun, very freeing and a great kick in the creativity pants. Now that my machine is set up, I'm itching to sew more. (Let's not think about putting away all the other stuff, ok?).

I'll be back tomorrow with a giveaway. You won't want to miss it! See you then!