Where did April go?


Oh, hey.

It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks and things don't look they are going to slow down in the foreseeable future. I keep thinking that if I can get myself to May 9th, I will be able to breathe a little bit. And, heck, I might even be able to sew something. That'd be fun.

In the meantime, the peonies in the yard are inching their ways towards blooming. Of course, the ones at Whole Foods are already flaunting their wares so, naturally, some jumped in my cart. We've got lilacs, too. And I bought some geraniums for my pots. The sun is shining bright and, as always in the week leading up to the first Saturday in May, the general mood is festive around town. I don't like complaining about the weather or the seasons, but, man oh man, I was ready for winter to go. I needed spring.

I don't leave town again until July. JULY. This is very exciting. I've got some projects I'd like to tackle and farmers' markets to visit. School is winding down and I couldn't be happier about no homework on the horizon. I think the girls are with me on this. Actually, I am sure they are.

I've got a few books sitting here that I can't wait to share with you all. Good quilty inspiration! I'm thinking reviews and giveaways once a week on Fridays until I have nothing left to share. So, I guess I will see you then.

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