Thinking Pink

Pink_paint_002_1_1The bathroom renovation is almost complete.  All that is left is some drywall repair on the ceiling, a little more tile work and painting.  In this house, I am the painter.  So instead of crafting, I spent a couple of hours this morning priming woodwork and some new drywall.  Yawn.  At least the fun part is next - color!  Because this is Jane's bathroom and because she wants pink, pink it will be.  Ribbon Pink by Benjamin Moore to be exact.

I had originally thought that the bathroom would be green.  Jane shares the bath with our guest room and I thought pink might be too sweet for anyone under  over the age of 12.  As I thought more about it, I realized we have a lot of green around here.  A lot.  We probably don't need too much more.  And I like pink.  It is one of my favorite colors.  And pink is sweet.  And sweet isn't a bad thing for a 6 1/2 year old girl.  Actually, it's quite nice.

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