Tea Leaves
Here it is. My tea leaves cardigan. It's not the best photo, but I took a bunch and wouldn't you know that this is the best I got? Now it's dark so there is no chance of a re-shoot until tomorrow and I am afraid tomorrow I won't have time.
I like this sweater a lot. The sleeves are a funky length - not 3/4 and not really full - but I'm okay with that since I ran out of yarn. I do wish it were a little smaller. The pattern goes from a 36 to a 40 and of course, I am a 38. I knit the 40 which was definitely the right choice, but a 38 would have been better. I added about an inch of length - maybe a mistake as the sweater grew when I washed it (I'm sure the sleeves did, too). Leslie told me I could throw it in the dryer for 5 minutes at a time to shrink it a bit, but I was too freaked out to have it in there for more than 3 minutes total! I used Berroco Ultra Alpaca in Park Bench. I originally bought this yarn for the February Lady Sweater, but didn't like it for that knit. I love it for this. I used somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 and a half skeins and size 6 and 7 needles. I liked knitting it too - a lot of mindless stockinette which is perfect for knitting on the go.
I'm excited to share some other fun knitting news tomorrow.
And a small number of camera straps will be in the shop on Wednesday, February 10 at 12:00 noon EST.
Ok, then. See you later.