Summer Sewing

Hello there! Hope your summer is off to a good start. I've got loads of sewing projects lined up - mostly quilts, but maybe some clothing, too. I've had a lot of these roaming around in my head for awhile and now that Jane's graduation has come and gone (sniff), I finally feel as if I have some time to devote to them. One of these quilts is one that I have made twice before, but I wasn't really pleased with some parts of it. I knew that there had to be a better way. I woke up on Monday morning and my sleeping brain had figured it out. I love it when that happens! I quickly pulled the stack of fabrics above so they would be ready for cutting as soon as I had a chance. And yesterday was the day. I took my rotary cutter, ruler and the fabrics down to the family room for a cutting session in front of the TV. I pulled my extra cutting mat out from under the couch (I keep one there for moments like this!) and set up a little ironing and cutting station. I had forgotten that working somewhere other than the studio can be super energizing. It worked - I got an entire twin quilt cut out, the math bits figured out for the pattern and the pattern written up. I haven't been that productive work-wise since I don't know when.Can we talk about these fabrics for a quick second? I am just smitten with this palette - purples, pinks, oranges, golds. It's not my normal go-to (no green! no blue!), but they are calling to me so I am running with it. These are all Anna Maria Horner prints, from her latest line, Sweet Dreams. That lady does color like no other! Like the shift in my work space for yesterday, the shift in the colors I am working with is energizing me. I am excited to start sewing this afternoon!Finally, as a bit of an aside, if you follow me on Bloglovin', you have missed a number of my latest posts. So sorry! Apparently, when the blog was moved to the new platform, the feed changed ever-so-slightly and it took a little time for the situation to get corrected. Anyhow, if you did miss something, it was mostly about my new PDF pattern, Rinse and Repeat, that I launched last week. You can read those posts here, here and here. The pattern in available in my shop. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]