Peony Season


Peonies 3

Peonies 4

Peonies 2

Peonies 5

Peonies 7

Peonies 6

Excuse the abundance of photos, but if you have been following me and this blog for any length of time, you know that peonies are my favorites. This year they came on fast after such a long, cold winter. I was a little surprised at how early they showed, but still so happy to see them return. Each year I watch in anticipation and each year I am still just awed at the huge blossoms that come out of those little buds.

Life is so busy for our family right now. Soccer is wrapping up, field hockey is starting. The end of the school year is in sight. Jane is finishing up her 8th grade year. It's really hard to wrap my brain around the fact that she will be in high school in August. At the same time, she is so ready to make the move that it only seems right. I'd be lying if I said that there hadn't been some tears already. And I'd be kidding myself if I said that there won't be more. Watching these girls grow is such an incredible gift. I feel lucky to be along on their journey.

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