Packing Up

The girls and I are leaving today for Chicago (my home town!) with my friend Lynette and her two daughters.  We'll be seeing my brother, sister-in-law and nephew and doing the aquarium, etc. with the girls.  I can't wait!  I am especially anxious to see little Ian - he's turning one next week and I have a car full of goodies.

While packing, I found the old ski hat I knit for Fatty.


Yep, black with blue and purple!  And look at what I knitted into the facing...


That's young love for you!

I'm bringing along some more knitting - this time for a Christmas present.  And because I cannot sit still, I have packed up my embroidery supplies, hoping to organize them while Lynette drives.


The anticipation of this trip has been unparalleled.  Can you guess our destination?


That's right: American Girl Place.  I have told the girls that they can each buy one outfit for their doll.  But I am likely to cave - I almost always do.  I am hoping I don't - keep your fingers crossed for me!

Have a great weekend - I will be back on Sunday or Monday!

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