No more yo-yo-ing

The circle project is finished!  I cut out all of those circles and made yo-yo's - 49 yo-yo's to be exact.  They were super easy to make (Heather has a good tutorial).  They are also very portable - I made the majority of them while waiting in the carpool line at Jane's school.  Once they were made, I sewed them into a 7 by 7 square and tacked the square to a piece of fabric and made Serena a pillow.  Here it is!


I was very excited that it worked!  I have always admired quilts made out of yo-yo's, but had never attempted to make a yo-yo myself and I certainly didn't know that the pillow would work out for sure.  But it did...phew!  I am giving it to Serena this afternoon.  We are meeting for a drink or two and some adult conversation - much needed after the week I had!

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