Knot Thread Stitch - Review and Giveaway


I'm very excited to be posting about Lisa Solomon's new book, Knot Thread Stitch: Exploring Creativity through Embroidery and Mixed Media. This book is not just about embroidery. It is chock full of inspiring ways to use embroidery along with various materials in interesting and different ways. Lisa has included a wide variety of projects and after each one, there is another interpretation of the same project by a different artist. I love seeing how one idea can percolate into something else similar, yet different. This isn't just about fabric either. Paint, paper, stamps and shrinky dinks all show up in the projects. And most of them are easy, accessible and look to require little time. All good, in my mind.
In other words, it's freaking cool.
Projects that jumped out to me immediately:
These tea towels combine paint with embroidery. What an unexpected and interesting combination!
This tote bag uses a child's artwork as inspiration for the embroidery. I have done something along these lines with both of my kids and I treasure the resulting projects.
And look! A neclace made from shrinky dinks! With stitching! How fun is that? I also think it is a great project for my girls to do...really, who doesn't love shrinky dinks?
I think my favorite thing about this book is that is a wonderful starting point for exploring your own creativity with embroidery. The projects are great on their own, but work just as well as prompts that will help you create something that is truly one of a kind.
Lisa and her publisher, Quarry Books, have generously offered a copy of Knot Thread Stitch to one of my readers. To enter your name into the "hat", comment on this post before Sunday, September 16th at 5:00 p.m. Let me know how you use embroidery in your projects. If you are not a stitcher, what would you use embroidery to do? I'll let the random number generator chose a winner.
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