KCWC - days 1 and 2 - nightgowns



I never got around to the Kids Clothing Week Challenge yesterday. I spent a lot more time dealing with the family room bookcases and didn't even finish those. I went to bed exhausted, but with a plan. I'd make up for day 1 by doubling my sewing effort on day 2. Check and check.

The nightgowns are exactly like the ones I made earlier this spring with the exception of the ruffled hem. I decided to skip that on this round. Please ignore the rumply look happening in the photo above. I was too lazy to find a place to hang them where there is decent light and, more obviously, couldn't be bothered with laying them out properly.  Anyhow, this time Kate is getting the dot and Jane is getting the floral. I started cutting at about 10:30 this morning and finished both of them by 12:20. Quick and relatively painless - I did have to recut my binding strips for the green one and mess around with the serger a little. Without those setbacks, I could have finished these in about 1.25 hours.

Nightgowns 2

I still have to finish the bookcases and then check another item off of my other list - clean out the car, maybe?  I would love to squeeze in some more sewing later today as I have a good idea for a skirt for Jane. I'd better get chopping.