Ice Cream Social, Take Two

Last night, we went to Jane's new school to meet her teacher and have some ice cream.  Jane seemed a little intimidated by the amount of kids, but was happy to meet a few girls who will be in her class.  She liked her teacher (phew!) and even wanted to go say goodbye to her after all the orange sherbet was gone.

I think we have all of our ducks in a row for the first day on Wednesday.  The uniform jumpers are altered, the mary janes and knee socks bought, the supplies labeled and the backpack and lunch box are waiting to be filled.  Jane seems a little anxious and honestly, so am I.  Tomorrow we have the chance to take her supplies to her classroom and find her desk.  Kindergarten was a half day program at her preschool and none of her friends are going to the new school so this is a big transition for her.  I know that she is going to do great at this new place, but I will miss her smiling face.

Jane has also been moving right along on her embroidery.  Look at how far she has gotten!  I think she will finish up in the next couple of days.  It's going to be a cute pillow!

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