
As good as it is to get away for awhile, it is always good to come home.

I started reading this book in Telluride.  I like it.  I enjoy reading someone's actual experience mixed with information instead of just information.  It has given me a lot to think about.


We returned home to an empty refrigerator so a trip to the grocery was first on the to-do list.  (Well, second, really - I had to get a new car battery first.  Nothing fun about coming home to a dead battery for the fifth or sixth time).  I was happy to see some local cucumbers and yummy summer squash.  I'll have some of those, thank you very much.  Asparagus from Peru.  Hmmm....not today.  The organic kiwis looked good, too.  From New Zealand?  OK, maybe not.

Now, for many of you, this may be second nature, but for me, it really isn't.  Now I am thinking about buying produce and meat (if I can find it - any ideas on that, Serena?) that comes from close to home.  I want to support my local economy.  I want to have healthy food around for my family.  I want to make some kind of an effort.  Not to say we won't buy our fair share of California berries or Georgia peaches - I am being realistic, here.  I am thinking before I buy, though.  That has got to be a start.

So for lunch today, I had locally grown, organic heirloom tomato with homegrown basil on a whole grain bagel with a tiny schmear of cream cheese.


Yes please and thank you very much.