Finishing what I started

I've been in a little bit of a craft rut recently.  I have lots of ideas swimming around in my head, but I am having a hard time executing them.  Now that this last batch of camera straps is completed and mailed, I have some time on my hands.  I went up to the sewing room to find something and got completely distracted by a pile of unfinished projects.  The amount of WIP around here is staggering.  So with the exception of what I am doing for my local craft swap, I'm declaring September the month in which I will finish (some of) what I have started. 


First up:  Kate's Single Girl quilts.  I started working on these in April, 2008 and finished the arcs last October.  Uh, yeah.  Time to finish.  This weekend I pieced about 20 squares.  That makes 53 out of 96 squares - more than half way.  Most likely I will find someone to do their long arm magic on these quilts instead of quilting them myself.  I just need to get the tops finished first.


And since I have a hard time keeping track of which piece of the ring goes where, I finally labeled them.  I couldn't do the 1, 2, 3, 4 that the pattern recommends because it's just not logical to me.  I mean, do the numbers go clockwise or left to right then top to bottom?  I keep forgetting which I chose.  This time, I labeled them like a compass - N, S, E, W.  I can't forget that, can I?

In other news, Lisa interviewed me over at Polka Dot Cottage as part of her morning coffee series.  It was fun to be on the on the other side of a Q and A and I am amazed that I didn't make a complete fool of myself.  If your interested in what I have to say about blogging, go have a look-see

Also, TypePad is going to be doing some testing on my blog.  Hopefully, it won't be for very long.  If the comments mysteriously disappear, you now know why.

OK - back here tomorrow with some other small tidbits.  See you then.