Drive-by posting
How can it be Tuesday already?
Things of note:
- Sorry if you came to the blog in the last couple of days and tried to comment, or read comments, but couldn't. I tried to switch over to threaded comments, but something went awry. I have switched it back now that TypePad has seen the problem. Hopefully, they can figure out what is going wrong because I really want threaded comments. Anyhow, sorry if it was frustrating for you.
- The girls are home from camp. They had a great time. The room re-do went over so-so at first, but has now been fully embraced by Jane. More on that as we finish up some projects - pillows, framing photos and the like. She's excited to be involved and I think we will work together ok. She has definite ideas that aren't always practical, if you know what I mean.
- There's a new banner on the blog. My friend Marcia shot this photo of Fatty and me driving away from a mountain bike race last week and was kind enough to let me use it on the blog. I'm pretty much in love with this one and some others she took of the truck. It's nice to be on the other side of the camera every once in awhile.
- We picked, and ate, the first cucumber out of our garden last night. That may sound boring, but it was cause for great excitement around these parts! I also made some refrigerator pickles that were fantastic. I'm going to try another recipe and then I will let you all know which one is the winner. Now if the tomatoes would just ripen....
- Saturday night, I made the kale chips again. This time I just used olive oil and sea salt and turned the oven to 375 degrees. They cooked about 15 minutes, maybe a bit less and were perfect. Way better than the first batch and both of the kids ate them. Success!
OK - I hope to be back with something crafty soon. Chat with you later.