Creativebug - Review and Giveaway

Back in the summer, I was contacted by Creativebug and asked if I wanted to take a look at their site and offer a giveaway on the blog. I immediately said yes! I had heard about the site and had been anxiously awaiting its launch. I knew this was going to be something that I would like and use, and I bet many of you will, too.


The premise behind Creativebug is simple. For a montly subscription fee, you get unlimited access to all of the art and craft workshops on the site. Let me repeat: UNLIMITED ACCESS TO ALL THE WORKSHOPS. Pretty amazing, huh? Even more amazing is the list of well-known and extremely talented instructors including some names that are probably familiar to you: Anna Maria Horner, Heather Ross, Natalie Chanin, Cal Patch, Liesl Gibson  - and these are just some of the seamstresses. The class list goes beyond needle and thread. There are also classes on paper crafts, jewelry, ceramics, knitting, crochet, entertaining and more. Really it is too much to list.


I was able to preview the site and was very impressed by the quality of the videos. I loved that I could pause or go back a bit to see something again if I needed to. Also, the vidoes are broken down into steps so it's easy to do one or two steps and come back later to finish the project. Perfect for someone like me that often has a half hour or hour to make instead of large blocks of time. And really, nothing beats seeing someone actually make something and explain it at the same time, does it?

I encourage you to go see what Creativebug is about and if you like it to subscribe. There are classes for everyone and I think it is so wonderful that there is this amazing educational resource for crafters and artists right at our fingertips. Plus, they are adding workshops every week! If there is something that you have been wanting to try, this is a great, low-cost way of learning that new skill from skilled artisans that you normally would not have access to. Amazing, if you ask me! 

Creativebug has generously offered a free one-month subscription to one of my readers. To enter your name in the hat, comment on this post and tell me what kind of classes you would like to see at Creativebug. If you are already a subscriber, tell me what classes you've taken. I'll keep the comments open until Thursday, September 27th at 8:00 p.m. EST and then choose one winner at random.

Good luck!


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