Fatty and I are back from a little vay-cay. It was so nice to step away for a week, spend time with my husband and my parents, eat great food, see great sights, and sleep in. I needed that. Right before I left, I made this skirt. And when I say right before, I mean the day prior to leaving when I should have been packing my suitcase and cleaning my house. So not the time to start a sewing project, but, hey, that's how I roll. Besides, the packing and the cleaning got done in time so it was a win-win, you know?
Anyhow, back to the skirt. It's Anna Maria Horner's Flirting the Issue Skirt and I highly recommend making yourself one or three, if you are in need of skirts. And maybe you should still make one even if you don't need skirts because it's that fantastic. The construction is simple and you can probably whip one of these out in an afternoon. The most time consuming portion was threading the elastic through the channels for the waistband. After first fit, it was too big (which I am pretty sure was a measuring issue) so I just shortened the elastic. It was a super simple fix because I hadn't sewn the channel openings closed. So if I have one suggestion, it'd be to try it on for fit before you hand sew those four little openings shut. And actually, I have a second suggestion. Have someone else take your measurements so as not to have a fit problem in the first place. I should have done that.
As a few people noticed on my last clothing post, I have a dress form. Sweet, huh? Fatty and the girls gifted it to me for my birthday. Although I haven't really had time to really use it properly, it sure makes photographing finished garments super easy. Silly, but true.
Now back to the blog hiatus - see you here again sometime soon.