Posts in Wordplay


I finished my outside inspiration project yesterday.  (You can see a photo that isn't cut off here).  This little quilt is 9" wide by 8"high.  The fabrics were all tea dyed  - I used different teas for different colors.  I used wonder under to applique the tea cup and then stitched it on using free motion quilting.  I also wrote the words free motion style and added some loops for good measure.  The binding is sewn by hand on the back.

It took me a good long while to figure out exactly how to interpret this word.  I thought about tea leaves, all the tea in China, tea houses, tea bags, tea pots, tea cozies, high tea, afternoon tea, Boston Tea Party and more.  Tea, tee and T.  But, really, the quilting thing, especially free motion (which I was so scared of just a few months ago) is just my cup of tea.  Plus, I am a fan of idioms.  And I would be kidding myself if I thought the word I gave Tracy (piece) didn't play into this either.  When I gave it to her, I was thinking of the verb, not the noun.  Quilts on the brain, I guess.  I can't wait to see her interpretation of piece.  There are so many possibilities!

This was fun and a good exercise for me also.  I liked having an assignment.  Tracy and I are planning on doing it again, but the format is going to change some and we have a new partner joining us!  Stay tuned for more Wordplay.