Posts in In the Sewing Room
Sleeveless Tova No Go

October 14

Back in July, I started making a sleeveless Tova for myself. I was really excited to use the gorgeous green Nani Iro fabric I picked up at Purl in June. I knew the Tova fit me - I wore the Liberty one a bunch last winter and spring. And based on my success making sleeveless Tovas for the girls, I thought this was a no-brainer.

Green tova

I was wrong.

There is something off with the fit on me. The gaping under the arms and the too large shoulders totally surprised me when I tried it on. I think the problem has to do with the fact that I had to make an XL to fit through the bust, when a L is just slightly tight but fits me under the arms and through the shoulders. To say I'm bummed is an understatement - I love this pattern . And I love this fabric, too. It was expensive so I don't want it to sit unworn in my closet. But what to do? I'm kind of at a loss. Do I try to take it in under the arms? Or do I just try to use the fabric in some other way?

All that said, I'm glad I attempted it. I'll take it as a teachable moment....muslin, muslin, muslin!



September 9

I've been knitting a little bit. A couple of rounds here and there on this project. I've got another onein the car that comes with me to piano lessons and volleyball games.It's slow going, but steady, just the kind of work I need at the moment.Something to keep my hands busy and quiet my mind.
I've been sewing some, too. Little things that are not at all newsworthy. I want to sew big things, like dresses and quilts and then more quilts,but my days are pretty full at the moment. I'm hoping for a few hoursin a row at some point this weekend to get one quilt top basted. Thenmaybe next weekend I could quilt it.


Bookwise, I've just finished The Tiger's Wife and started the new Tana French book. Heather Ross Prints has been devoured by myself and Jane. I've already designed something and had Spoonflower print it on fabric. Tea towel calendar, anyone? But more on that later...

Enjoy the weekend.

(Don't forget to enter the giveaway for Knot Thread Stitch - you have until Sunday night!)

What I do when I'm supposed to be packing

I know that I have been neglecting the blog when Fatty asks, "What? You don't post anymore?"

Yep. Sorry. I didn't mean to be away for so long.

I blame summer, people. It's busier than I'd like, but still oh so good. Our day to day changes, well, daily. And since I was last here, we've been to the beach and have come home. It was a great week with my family - lots of sun, sand, surf and way too much food and drink. And now, back at home, I'm getting the girls ready for a week at camp and myself ready for grown-up camp (a.k.a. a Denyse Schmidt workshop in Portland, OR). Exciting for all, right?

White painted portrait
Before we left for South Carolina, I did sew up another version of Anna Maria's Painted Portrait Dress. This was my third go at this pattern and each time I sew it, it comes together quicker than the time before. I love making it and I love wearing it. I also love that it can be made in so many different combinations - sleeves, no sleeves, top, dress, with patchwork, without. I can safely say that there will be more than three versions of this pattern hanging in my closet. I'm just about ready to start another one for fall.

Painted portrait lining
But before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you about this one. I was inspired to make it when out shopping for something white to wear for a family photo on the beach. I found many options at different stores, but loved nothing. It dawned on me that instead of spending more time shopping, I should just start sewing. I bought the fabric locally - it didn't have any identifying marks on the selvedge so I can say who makes it. Because it is white, I knew that it would require a full lining. The pattern only has instructions on facing the yoke, but having sewn this pattern before, I was confident that I could figure out how to line the entire thing. There was some serious contemplating about the arm hole, but once I wrapped my brain around what I needed to do, it all came together very easily. Again, like the blouse version I made earlier this year, I took in the back seams so it would fit me better. Each time I have done this after sewing everything together. I think I'll try altering the actual pattern pieces before I sew the next one.

Button loop

And because I didn't have any white cotton perle on hand, I couldn't resist adding a little surprise for the button loop. It makes me smile every time I see it.

White painted portrait 2
Also, it should come as no surprise that instead of getting everyone ready for their respective adventures, I cut out another blouse last night. This time, it's a Tova and it's green. See you on the other side.

New York Spoils


Scrap pack



Nano iro2

We are home from New York.

It was a good, long, exhausting and fun week. We saw Tara and Tim twice - the perfect bookends to a week in Manhattan where we shopped, walked, shopped, ate, walked, drank, ate, drank, walked, shopped our way through Manhattan. Did I mention the eating and drinking and shopping?

All of the above came from Purl Soho with the exception of the dandelion fabric. That's from Marimekko (on sale!). The second photo is actually a scrap pack. I saw it when I walked in the store and thought about it the whole time I was there. The fabrics are not necessarily ones that I'd be drawn to on their own, but together like that? Yes. Please. And thank you, too. I scooped up the other blues and whites to go along. I know exactly what I am going to make and if I have the time, I will start it today. The green? Well, of course, I had to have that.

Now, home, I'm feeling incredibly spoiled. I have loving in-laws that take my kids so that Fatty and I can run away for a week together every summer. I have a husband who is more than a husband - he's my best friend and partner in crime. He makes me laugh and knows that if my blood sugar gets too low, it's not pretty. He holds my hand as we walk down the street and sits patiently while I spend hours looking at textiles and trying on clothes at Anthropologie. It is such a blessing to have that time alone, to be able to manage a vacation each year, to feel completely in love for the last eighteen years. I don't ever want to take that for granted. I feel incredibly blessed.

And the girls? I missed them just the right amount - not too much and not too little. We are hanging out today, running errands and doing other everyday life things like laundry and cooking. I've already referee-ed one fight and I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm slowly bringing them back to our world of limited television and healthier eating. Most of the time, I have the best job. I wouldn't change it for the world. Those girls - an equally big blessing.

More hand stitching


I'm behind on my hand stitching homework.

I finally (FINALLY) finished the start of my modern medallion today. I had planned on finishing it on Thursday and time ran out before our road trip. I even woke up early on Friday morning, determined to sew the borders on the reverse applique block only to find out that I had squared it  1/2" too small. Aargh.

After some simple math, I adjusted the measurements and I quickly cut widths of fabric for new borders, packed it all in a zip lock and continued packing clothes for the trip that we were taking in less than two hours.

Procrastinate much, Erin?

(To be fair to myself...with great effort, I've cut down on procrastinating in the last year or so. I've been mindful of it and have worked hard to change things. Really. I have. This last incident was out of the relatively recent ordinary which made it hurt just a bit more).

Luckily for me, I have a mother-in-law with sewing skills and equipment so I managed to finish this square up this afternoon. That is not to say there weren't issues. There were. I am the sole person to blame - Rachel wrote it all up beautifully. All faults are mine.

Now to embroider.

Crochet 5:6

As much as I've let the hand sewing pile up, the crochet is happening.

And people, I am loving it.

Thank you, Blair. I KNOW how much time things like this take. I do not take it for granted.

Hand stitched t-shirt

Handstitched t

Last weekend, I finished stitching this t-shirt for Rachel's hand stitching class. I really enjoyed working on this project. I had never thought to put a woven under a knit, but I like it. I wish I had a better photo for you, but my assistants were busy reading and I was too lazy to get the tripod out. Anyhow, the design continues around the side to the back. I used a perle cotton, doubled for the stitching. I think button/carpet thread a la Alabama Chanin would have been better, but I am determined to use what I have on hand for this class. So, therefore, perle cotton it was. The woven fabric is an Anna Maria Horner print and the t-shirt came out of my closet.

I'm still crocheting. And working on my medallion quilt - will share those soon.

Also, summer is busier than I'd like. Yesterday I said no to TV a gazillion times. I'd told them to find something else to do. In the end, each girl read an entire book. Go figure.

Little bunny


I made this little rabbit for my niece's first birthday. The pattern is from Ellen's book, 1, 2, 3 Sew. I have wanted to make this critter since the book was published and I am so happy I finally had the chance. It came together so easily and fairly fast, although the embroidery on the face did take a bit of time. No matter, though. I think she turned out pretty sweet.

I haven't found much time to sew lately - the studio is under reorganization, but the end is in sight. The fabric is all neatly folded and back on the shelves so I can find things once more. With all this cleaning, I think that there will be scrap bags going into the shop as well as some other things down the line. I've got a few ideas percolating and with any luck, I'll have some new items to share soon.

In the meantime, I'm still crocheting. See you back here soon.