Posts in In the Mailbox
I like surprises...

and good mail.  This surprise came to us from Robyn.  She really shouldn't have, but I am soooo glad she did!


Two packages:  one for me and one for the girls.  Do you see that she wrapped mine in that lovely Amy Butler fabric?  Yippee!


For the girls:  a wonderful craft kit from Klutz.  Robyn said she never knew what those lanyards were called - me either.  Now we do:  Scoubidou!  I remember making this at camp as a kid and can't wait to make these with the girls.  And wasn't Robyn sweet to think of my kiddos?


For me:  this lovely decoupaged frame (see all that green?).  Robyn had read over on Susan's blog that this song hold special meaning to Fatty and me - he cries each time he hears it.  I cannot believe she remembered this - it really is an incredibly thoughtful gift.

Thanks so much Robyn!  You are kind and generous soul.

The prettiest yarn ever

Before I left home, the most gorgeous yarn appeared in my mailbox thanks to the lovely Aprill.


I think I am in love.  Well, as much as you can be in love with yarn.  I couldn't stop looking at it or touching it.  So so so pretty.  I thought about bringing it to Colorado with me, but I was too afraid it would get lost or some other horrible thing would happen.  So it is sitting at home, on the family room shelf waiting for me to return.


I know what I am going to knit with it.  The colors match this bolt of fabric perfectly.  I am just hoping that my hands can construct what my brain has designed.

Thank you Aprill!  I can't wait to get it on the needles.

More Mail and Green

Mail::Lovely prints gifted to me by Jen.  How sweet is she?

Warning:  my photos do not do them justice.


I am in love with this itty bitty print.  I have a thing for houses and Jen's drawings are so gorgeous.  I love her other house prints, too.


This print is going in the sewing room/studio.  I love the shapes, the colors, the negative space - it is perfect.  I am really into green and yellow these days, too.  Something about this color combo makes me smile.  These prints were a wonderful surprise - thanks so much, Jen!  Check out the Swallowfield etsy shop for more wonderful artwork.  She has prints and original collages over there - all gorgeous!

Color week::green
One inside and one just outside the house.


I had a crazy busy day yesterday - the kind where you barely have time to eat.  Swim team practice, swim lessons, errands, sewing for deadlines, rush to the post office, shower, hair cuts for me and the girls...hectic, but in a good way.  So here is part one of my mail post, just a day later.

Kirsty is a gem.  I saw a photo of some plastic belt buckles that she thrifted over on flickr and wouldn't you know, she sent me the ones I like.


She also sent the fabric they are sitting on - so charming and well, green.  You know I love my greens.  These goodies have been in the house for awhile now and I have been remiss not to thank her sooner.  Thank you Kirsty!  I love them!  Some little things should be showing up for you soon.

Cristina and I had a little moo card swap.


She sent me an aqua tray cloth with beautiful edging.  I now have two aqua tray cloths, the other one from Kirsty.  Coincidence? more and I'll have a collection.  There were the adorable moo cards with her gorgeous photos and some vintage sheeting scraps, too.  Perfect!  I have just the project in mind for these.  Thank you Cristina!  I adore what you sent - it really couldn't have been any better!

I sent Cristina a little something along with my moo cards.  There is a big story behind it so it'll have to wait for another day.  As will the other goodies I have received lately.  I told you - lucky me.

Fashion Shoot




Meg sent me this amazing vintage blue dress for Kate.  When it arrived on Saturday, she immediately tried it on, then took it off because she didn't want to get it dirty.  It fits perfectly, has lots of twirl and made this little girls eyes light up like a Christmas tree.  She wore it to church yesterday - so stinkin' cute, I tell you.  Thank you so much Meg - she really loves it.

And would you believe this?


Jane came downstairs this morning wearing the shirt.  Yes, the one I made her.  I quickly grabbed the camera for documentation and she was happy to oblige her mom.  Hmmm...I am not sure what prompted it, but I am not complaining.  In fact, I see it as a sign.  I think it's going to be a good day.

The way I work

I asked Kristen to make this necklace for me and I absolutely adore it!  I have been trying to snap a self-portrait while wearing it for a long time now, but never got a good shot.  I put Fatty on the task and he took two photos.  Ta da!


I probably should have asked him sooner since I have had this beautiful little number for at least a month.  And super sweet Kristen won't let me pay for it.  I will have to think of something equally brilliant to gift back because that is just the way I work.

Speaking of the way I work....I am super duper behind on some promised projects.  Poor Sasha and Marianne who won my birthday drawing, still don't have their goods and my end of a couple swaps are a bit tardy, too.  I need to catch up and, luckily, the ladies at the sewing shop gave me a loaner Bernina so I am back in business.  Photos for the rest of the week, people.  I will "talk" to you all later.

From Susan

Last summer when I started my blog, Susan found me through a comment I made somewhere else (am I remembering right, Susan?).  She began commenting on all my posts and I started reading her blog.  We traded emails and swapped some earrings for a belt.  Before you knew it, I had made my first "blog" friend.

Susan is an incredibly talented gal.  She makes beautiful jewelry that she sells through her etsy store.  You should go check it out.  She has an uncanny eye for matching beads and her compositions are stunning.  It's this eye that makes her a wonderful photographer.  In her original intent series, she takes photos and uses them as inspiration for her jewelry.  The results are truly amazing.  You need to go over to her blog and look in the archives (beginning in January) and see what she does.

Not only is she super talented, she is super sweet.  For my birthday, she sent me a little package.  Inside there was a pair of earrings that scream summer.


Aren't they gorgeous?  I cannot wait to wear them with jeans and a white tank top - they are going to be perfect.

She sent something else too.  When I opened this part, I was so excited that I could hardly stand it.


A framed copy of my very favorite original intent photo.  I love it!  I asked for it in a roundabout way.  I love that she remembered and I love that I will think of Susan every time I see this photo hanging in the studio. 

Thanks Susan!  I am so glad that you are my friend.

New Fabric

I just had to have it.  And I couldn't decide which ones, so I bought them all.


Yes, I am talking about Katie Jump Rope, the new line by Denyse Schmidt.  Now, before you think I went all crazy (you are thinking that, aren't you?), I bought fat quarters of every print.  See?  Not as bad as you thought.  You were thinking I bought yardage, weren't you?  They came to me via Cia's Palette and they came super fast too.  I ordered on Saturday and they were on my doorstep Monday at noon.  No special mailing either - the good ol' USPS Priority Mail.

I've had my eye on these prints since last fall when I saw a peek of them on someone's blog (not sure whose, sorry.)  Sally has made some nice things using them and she gave me a little insight as to the exact hues since it is so hard to tell on the computer.  I hemmed and hawed about which ones to buy.  You know I like green so those were a given and blue is always good.  Orange is a new favorite and who doesn't like brown and... well, you get the picture.  I just couldn't choose.

They are beautiful in person - I am especially in love with the greens and blues.   I wish there were a few more red prints, but I am going to make do.  I have a number of projects in mind, but I don't think I can make everything with just a fat quarter.  No way.  I am going to have to buy yardage.  Of some of them, at least.  Yes, you knew it, didn't you?