...is for girls.  I love mine so.  When Jane was born, I didn't believe the doctor when she said, "It's a girl!"  I felt so blessed to have a daughter.  When Kate was born, that blessing doubled.

...is for guacamole.  It's one of my favorite foods.  I make mine without a recipe, but it always includes the same things.  My secret ingredient is cumin.  Trust me.  It makes the difference.


...is for grace.  I don't have it.  I can be rather clumsy.

...is for gregarious.  I am a social girl.

...is for green.  This is my color.  It suits me to a tee.  It calms me and energizes me at the same time.  When I wear it, I just feel good.  And who doesn't like to feel good?

...is for getaway.  Fatty and I hit the road this morning.  I have my alphabet posts already written for the next few days, but I won't be answering emails and responding to comments.  Thanks for taking the time to stop by - I truly appreciate it!